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Festive Camembert Parcels

If you’re anything like me, Christmas begins on October the first. That gives me a month to start a gentle yuletide warm up after my summer holiday, then once we’ve celebrated Halloween and Bonfire Night, I’m in full festive swing. No one wants to spend the entire time in the kitchen over Christmas, so I’m a big fan of quick and easy nibbles that fill holes quickly, and this ticks all the boxes! I hold the firm belief that there’s way much more fun to be had in the kitchen than making puff pastry so always buy ready made, which means these little festive puffs take next to no time at all!

Ingredients: 500g ready to roll puff pastry One Camembert 4 tbsp festive chutney (I used one I made last year, but you could use any red onion or tomato variety) Method: 1) Pre heat the oven to Gas Mark 6 and get two baking sheets ready. Roll the pastry out on a work surface to the thickness of a pound coin and cut into squares with a sharp knife. They should be roughly the size of a cd case. 2) Liberally spread each square with some chutney and then rip some of the Camembert and place in the middle of each square. Then bring opposite ends of the parcel together and pinch, and then do the same with the remaining ends, pinching all four together.

3) Place the parcels on the baking sheets and place in the oven on the middle shelf for about twenty minutes, or until the cheese has melted and the pastry is cooked through. Serve with a glass of red by the fire!

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