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Sharknado 3, Oh Hell No!

So. Sharknado 3, Oh Hell No. Or as I like to call it, Sharknado 3, Oh Hell Yes! Absolutely the strongest of the trilogy! This film has everything you could ask for in a shark film and I for one am relieved they managed to pull it back after Sharknado 2, The Second One. Not that it wasn’t a great film, but as Hannah, my best friend and fellow shark film aficionado has passionately pointed out, it just wasn’t as realistic as the first of the franchise. And bear with us here. The first film was set on the coast and I could, with a little stretch, understand how a particularly violent tornado could result in taking a huge percentage of the shark population of the pacific coast and catapulting them into a weather system. The Second One, however, is set inland and I'm sorry but it’s just not as feasible.

Thankfully, Oh Hell No starts balls out with sharks and gets steadily more shark heavy as we go. We also get more ridiculous heavy too, to my utter delight. Fans of the franchise will recall that at the start of The Second One, April, Tara Reids character has her hand bitten off whilst trying to shoot a shark. Fear not viewers! April has had her severed hand replaced with our Sharknado warriors’ weapon of choice... a chainsaw! And that basically sums up all you need to know about Oh Hell No. There are fantastic cameos, some horrific deaths (poor old Malcolm in The Middle goes particularly nastily) And The Hoff continues our theme of aquatic names by playing Gil, Fins grumpy dad who long story short, ends up on the moon with a few sharks. It doesn’t get much better than this let me tell you!

Without spoilering much more the ending is left up in the air with a main character left in a life or death situation, and letting us cheery viewers vote to decide if they make it to the next film or not. All I'm taking from it is that this means they’re definitely making a fourth film so I'm happy! Despite being quite the shark film fan, it was Oh Hell No that made me realise that a new life goal would be to die a gory death as an extra in a shark film (not a speaking part as I sound like a five year old from the valleys on film.) It has also brought us the brilliant Sharknado app, where you’re able to impose a picture of your head into various shark-infested scenarios and I beg of you to download it right now.

I bestow the much coveted five fins out of five on Oh Hell No, only handed out once before to the classic Ghost Shark (he can appear anywhere where there is water!) However it is worth noting that as the worse these films get the more I enjoy them, I’ve never given less than three fins out of five, with the exception of Sand Sharks (needed more sharks per minute) who got a lowly two. If you’re hung over and looking for something utterly ridiculous with very little story line and a lot of gore, this one is for you!

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